Saturday, April 15, 2023

Rosa (Color Sketch for Pattern)

This is a color sketch of the pattern I plan to use for Rosa, the wooden codfish I am decorating for the annual Cod Auction, to benefit Marblehead Festival of Arts. Wooden codfish decorated by some 50 artists will be displayed and then auctioned off.  (The auction is on line, and people can bid from anywhere.) This year my fish will be decorated with white lattice and beach roses, the bright flowers that grow near area beaches. The scientific name for these flowers is rosa rugosa, hence the name of my fish. I am getting ready to paint the wooden form, but before I do, I need to work out the pattern.  I had already traced the form onto cardboard and worked out the layout of the lattice.  Then I made a rough pencil sketch on paper of the flowers, to scale.  Yesterday, I modified that sketch and then added color with Sharpie pens.  In my sketch, I changed the leaves, putting three per stem.  Although I wanted really wanted 5 leaves on each stem, which would be botanically accurate, but too crowded.  I decided on a blue background for the flowers and am happy with the color scheme. 

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