Sunday, July 14, 2024

The Whirlpool (Moby DIck project) as of July 6, 2024

This is my "Whirlpool" painting as it looked at the end of the day on July 6, 2024.  This painting this for a special show based on Moby Dick, being held at Porter Mill Studios. This is a representation of the whirlpool that destroys the Pequod and ends the narrative. The superimposed text is the last sentence of the final chapter: *"And now concentric circles seized the lone boat itself and all its crew and each floating oar and every lancepole and spinning, animate and inanimate, all round and round in one vortex carried the smallest chip of the Pequod out of sight."  On July 6th, I focussed mainly on the lettering, trying to make sure it was legible.  I had the idea of using silver for the lettering, but it was too light.  Then I went over the lettering twice with translucent purple, and that seemed to do the trick.  It is darker but still shines when the light hits it.  To be continued.

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