Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Carnations as of January 11

Carnations as of January 11
Originally uploaded by randubnick.

This is a work in progress, as you can see. Tonight I transferred my carnations to a blue glass pitcher. I got out my pastels, and blocked in the pitcher, the table, and the general position of the flowers (which are as always hopelessly and wonderfully complicated). Once I got the drawing to this point, I stopped because it is just a sketch and can be easily changed. If things work out, I hope to complete this pastel in sunlight. My pastels are going to be shown at the local Barnes and Noble in February (an opportunity that came up last week) so I would like to get a few more pastels done. It's not that I don't have enough of my pastels on hand; I probably do. But for me, the biggest benefit of an upcoming show is the urgency of making more art, so I am trying to capitalize on that. To be continued. . . .

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