Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Farm Stand Sunflowers (Posterized and Modified Photo)

Farmstand Sunflowers (Posterized and Digitally Modified Photo) Originally uploaded by randubnick

This image began as a photo taken with my cell phone camera during a quick visit to a local farmstand. I liked the bunches of sunflowers stuck in a bucket, so I took the picture. But the background was too busy and distracting. So I opened the image in Painter IX. I used some cut and paste to eliminate some signs and labels and marks on the wall. Then I posterized the image. I also began to draw into the image with digital pastel, at first to cover some labels on the bucket. But I decided that I like the effect of drawing into the photograph. So I decided to add some color to the background, and I drew into the area with reds and pinks. I did some more posterizing, and here is the result.

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