Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hy 1937 (Rescued Photo Posterized with Color Set)

Hy 1937 (Rescued Photo Posterized with Color Set)

Yesterday and the day before, I posted two versions of a snapshot of my father. The first version was the photo cropped, with scratches removed and focus sharpened on the face. The second version was a posterized version of the rescued photo. This is the third version, the rescued photo posterized in Painter IX with a color set. The color set added some green to the ivy, and some additional color variation to the foreground. But I also decided to use a color overlay to add muted rose tones to the face and to the brick. Although the first version is my sentimental favorite because it is the clearest picture of my dad's face, I think this version is the most successful visually.

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