Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Heart Shaped Box as of December 1, 2009

Heart Shaped Box as of December 1, 2009
Originally uploaded by

I am continuing to move paintings and art supplies out of my little studio. I hate to waste a trip to the studio, so while I was there, I spent about forty-five minutes on this project. I am covering this heart-shaped box with collage and decoupage patterns created from printed metallic ribbons. Today I continued what I was doing yesterday, working on the bottom of the box (shown here) which is going to be brown in the center, with a floral border. Today I added to the floral border and also added some brown pieces to the center. I want this design to echo (but not overpower) the design on the top of the box (also shown in the photo), which is why the center area is going to be brown.

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