Friday, June 21, 2013

Sunlight and Storm Clouds (Oil Bar Painting as of June 20, 2013)

I started another oil bar painting yesterday. This is going to be a landscape, loosely based on a photo that I took recently at Obear Park here in Beverly, MA. From Obear Park, you can see Salem just across the water. Summer storm clouds at the "golden hour" (near sunset) created a periwinkle sky and bright chartreuse light as you can see in the reference photo (posted here last night.) I started this painting by creating grids on both the canvas and on a printed copy of the reference photo. Then I started painting. I sketched out the basic composition with some gray oil bar, and then worked on the pattern of light and shadow on the lawn and trees. This is how my painting looked when it was time to stop yesterday. To be continued. . . .

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