Friday, July 05, 2013

Another Heart Shaped Box as of July 3, 2013

And now for something completely different. . . .I have been posting progress on the oil bar painting I have been working on (Sunlight and Storm Clouds). It isn't quite finished yet, and I am still working on it every morning. But I also wanted to get back to my collage project, so on Wednesday (July 3), I went up to Porter Mill Studios and worked for a while on this heart-shaped box. The box was originally a valentine's gift (a box of Turtles, and you can still make out the logo). I am covering it with collage made from printed metallic ribbon. My design for the top is stripes of purple and orange, and they are beginning to appear. I call this project "Another Heart Shaped Box" because this isn't my first. If you want to see my first heart-shaped box project, follow this link:

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