Monday, September 05, 2022

Composition with Woodpecker

Yesterday, as I worked in my upstairs office, it was easy to tell that the woodpecker had returned. From the noise and vibration, you would think that someone was hammering into the house, just below my office window. I was able to work right through the noise because the woodpecker has been here many times. But I had never seen the bird in action until yesterday.  After I finished my work, I went downstairs and the noise got louder as I approached the deck.  My husband was already out there on and motioned me to be silent as he pointed up at the woodpecker, hard at work destroying our siding.  So I took a quick picture just before the bird flew away.  Today I cropped the photo to get this composition  and adjusted the contrast to make it easier to see the bird. Hard to believe this little bird could make so much noise or do so much damage.  From the sound, I was expecting a bigger bird, probably with red and blue feathers. . .oh, right, that would be Woody Woodpecker.  But this was just a small bird with quiet black and white markings. It looks like we are gonna have to replace one corner post. And that's all, folks!

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