Mill and River (Oil Bar Painting Day 7) Originally uploaded by randubnick
This is the painting of the Merrimac River in Manchester, New Hampshire. On Monday, before I started my latest painting, I took a few minutes to straighten out the roof lines in this one. I am not quite ready to say this painting is finished, because I am sure there are things I might want to modify, but I need to leave this painting alone for now, and work on the rest of the paintings for the show, which has been set for January 8th. I had this painting on display last weekend at open studios, as well as my painting of the mill at night, and I was surprised at how many people came by and asked about these paintings. Most of these people now live in or grew up in Massachussetts mill towns, such as Lowell, Lawrence, or Amesbury, and thought that they had recognized these scenes as being from their home town. I had to break it to them that this was New Hampshire, but they didn't seem to care. It still looked like home to them.